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Do we really need to cold call?

The answer is - ❗YES❗
Cold calling doesn't have to be a dreaded task. When done right, it can be an effective way to reach new clients and grow your business.

Below, you will find the main points we adhere to during calling:

🟢 One key strategy is to turn cold calls into warm calls by asking for referrals. When you start a conversation with a mutual connection, it makes the call feel more personal and less intrusive. This approach can significantly improve your chances of building a meaningful connection.

🟢 One of the biggest challenges in cold calling is dealing with secretaries, who often act as gatekeepers to decision-makers. They can be tough to get past, but by treating them with respect and building a friendly rapport, you may find it easier to reach the person you need to speak with.

🟢 Taking a technical approach to cold calling can also yield better results. By analyzing your calls, you can identify what works and what doesn't. Keep track of key metrics, such as the number of calls made, conversion rates, and the best times to call. This data-driven approach allows you to refine your technique and improve your success rates.

🟢Do you know your cold calling ratios? Knowing how many calls it takes to get a meeting or close a sale is crucial. These ratios help you set realistic expectations and measure your performance. With this knowledge, you can make informed decisions and continuously improve your cold calling strategy.

In conclusion, cold calling doesn't have to be a negative experience. By transforming cold calls into warm calls, navigating gatekeepers with respect, and taking a technical, data-driven approach, you can enhance your effectiveness and turn cold calling into a valuable part of your business development efforts.


✅ Company name: Fabryki w Polsce, video marketing company aimed to expand its reach and attract many manufacturing companies to its program. 

  • Spent 160 hours on calling campaigns, 
  • resulting in 488 open conversations with companies. 
  • Out of these, 94 showed strong interest in joining the Fabryki w Polsce program.

✅ The company specializes in the production of metal components, particularly aluminum, used in the construction of buildings such as skyscrapers and office buildings.

  • We called Ireland and Sweden.
  • To schedule one meeting we needed to reach 10 companies.
  • Traditional industries (especially construction) respond very positively to calling. Other channels, such as email and LinkedIn, have limited effectiveness then we have to pick up the phone. 
  • Client references greatly enhance the conversation.

martyna czaplicka

Co-Founder at Open Rate
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